A warm welcome to Elim Pentecostal Church Denmark Hill

Where everyone is special!

We are a vibrant family church of diverse nationalities.

Elim Church Denmark Hill belongs to the wider Elim Foursquare Gospel Alliance, which was founded in Ireland by George Jeffreys in 1915.

The name Elim is derived from Exodus 15:27 which describes an oasis with twelve wells and seventy palm trees. The children of Israel rested there on their way to the Promised Land from the bondage of Egypt. This oasis in the wilderness symbolises the church, where those who are burdened and heavy-laden can find rest by grace through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our vision is to nurture and equip our members through worship, Bible study, prayer, and the baptism of the Holy Spirit to fulfil Jesus’s command to be His witnesses in ‘Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth’ (Acts 1: 8).

Join us to serve the King of Kings and the Prince of Peace, and your life will never be the same again. God bless you.

Reverend Adams

Our Services
Family Service every Sunday at 11:30 am

Bible Study
Thursdays 20:30 – 21:30

Prayer Meeting
Fridays 20:30 – 21:30


Every year, we embark on our annual pilgrimage to the historical and spiritual city of Athens, Jerusalem or Ephesus.

In 2025, we will have the extraordinary opportunity to visit the sites of the Seven Churches, including Ephesus as mentioned in Revelation chapters 1-3. All the sites are in Turkey.  This pilgrimage will take us deep into the heart of early Christianity, allowing us to explore the actual locations where early Christians lived, worshipped and faced significant trials, including temptation and persecution. As we walk through these ancient sites, we will reflect on the profound challenges these early believers encountered and the unwavering faith they demonstrated in standing firm with Jesus Christ. Each location we visit holds a unique story that contributes to our understanding of the early Church and the foundational beliefs that continue to inspire Christians today.

We invite you to join us on this enriching pilgrimage. It’s an excellent opportunity not just to enhance your biblical knowledge, but also to significantly strengthen your personal relationship with God. Should you have any questions or need further details about the itinerary or logistics, please contact us via email. We look forward to embarking on this meaningful journey together!

Reverend Lamasa Adams in Ephesus

Reverend Lamasa Adams in Pergamum